Package 'goldilocks'

Title: Goldilocks Adaptive Trial Designs for Time-to-Event Endpoints
Description: Implements the Goldilocks adaptive trial design for a time to event outcome using a piecewise exponential model and conjugate Gamma prior distributions. The method closely follows the article by Broglio and colleagues <doi:10.1080/10543406.2014.888569>, which allows users to explore the operating characteristics of different trial designs.
Authors: Graeme L. Hickey [aut, cre] , Ying Wan [aut], Thevaa Chandereng [aut] (<>, bayesDP code as a template), Becton, Dickinson and Company [cph], Tim Kacprowski [ctb] (For code from fastlogrank R package.)
Maintainer: Graeme L. Hickey <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.4.0
Built: 2025-02-19 06:00:32 UTC

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Simulate enrollment times


Simulate enrollment time using a piecewise Poisson distribution.


enrollment(lambda = 1, N_total, lambda_time = 0)



vector. Rate parameter(s) for Poisson distribution.


integer. Value of total sample size.


vector. Knots (of length(lambda)) indicating regions where a specific hazard rate (lambda) applies. The first element is always lambda_time = 0, denoting the trial start time. Note: final element of lambda is assumed to be constant as lambda_time tends to infinity.


Subject recruitment is assumed to follow a (piecewise stationary) Poisson process. We assume trial recruitment to be an independent process, thus the 'memoryless' property modelling of subject recruitment is used. Since the subject recruitment rate can vary over time, we can account for differential rates over time. Note that the first trial enrollment is assumed to occur at time zero.

To illustrate, suppose we use a piecewise function to specify the change in enrollment rate over time:

λ={0.3time[0,5)0.7time[5,10)0.9time[10,15)1.2time[15,)\lambda = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0.3 & \textrm{time} \in [0, 5) \\ 0.7 & \textrm{time} \in [5, 10) \\ 0.9 & \textrm{time} \in [10, 15) \\ 1.2 & \textrm{time} \in [15, \infty) \\ \end{array} \right.

Then, to simulate individual patient enrollment dates with a sample size (N_total) of 50, we use

enrollment(lambda = c(0.3, 0.7, 0.9, 1.2), N_total = 50, lambda_time = c(0, 5, 10, 15))


A vector of enrollment times (from time of first patient enrollment) in unit time (e.g. days).

See Also

This function is based on the enrollment function from the bayesCT R package.


enrollment(lambda = c(0.003, 0.7), N_total = 100, lambda_time = c(0, 10))
enrollment(lambda = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.9, 1.2, 2.1), N_total = 200,
           lambda_time = c(0, 20, 30, 40, 60))



The goal of goldilocks is to implement the Goldilocks Bayesian adaptive design proposed by Broglio et al. (2014) for time-to-event endpoint trials, both one- and two-arm, with an underlying piecewise exponential hazard model. The method can be used for a confirmatory trial to select a trial's sample size based on accumulating data. During accrual, frequent sample size selection analyses are made and predictive probabilities are used to determine whether the current sample size is sufficient or whether continuing accrual would be futile. The algorithm explicitly accounts for complete follow-up of all patients before the primary analysis is conducted. Broglio et al. (2014) refer to this as a Goldilocks trial design, as it is constantly asking the question, “Is the sample size too big, too small, or just right?”


Broglio KR, Connor JT, Berry SM. Not too big, not too small: a Goldilocks approach to sample size selection. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2014; 24(3): 685–705.

Cumulative distribution function of the PWE for a vectorized hazard rate parameter


Extends the pwe function to allow for vectorization over the hazard rates.


ppwe(hazard, end_of_study, cutpoints)



matrix. A matrix of hazard rate parameters with number of columns equal to the length of the cutpoints vector. The number of rows can be anything, and is typically dictated by the number of MCMC draws.


scalar. Length of the study; i.e. time at which endpoint will be evaluated.


vector. The change-point vector indicating time when the hazard rates change. Note the first element of cutpoints should always be 0.


A vector of (0, 1) probabilities from evaluation of the PWE cumulative distribution function. Length of the vector matches the number of rows of the hazard matrix parameter.

Estimate plausible piecewise constant hazard rates from summary summary event proportions


Given estimates of the event probability at one or more fixed times, the corresponding piecewise hazard rates can be determined through closed-form formulae. This utility function can be useful when simulating trial datasets with plausible event rates.


prop_to_haz(probs, cutpoints = 0, endtime)



vector. Probabilities of the event (i.e. cumulative incidence probabilities) at one or more time point. If only a single value is given, then it is assumed that this is the probability at the endtime.


vector. Times at which the baseline hazard changes. Default is cutpoints = 0, which corresponds to a simple (non-piecewise) exponential model.


scalar. Time at which final element in probs corresponds to. Typically this would be the study endpoint time.


Given J1J-1 internal cut-points, then there are J intervals defined as: [s0,s1)[s_0, s_1), [s1,s2)[s_1, s_2), \dots, [sJ1,sJ)[s_{J-1}, s_{J}), with conditions that s0=0s_0 = 0 and sJ=s_J = \infty. Each interval corresponds to constant hazard λj\lambda_j.


Vector of constant hazard rates for each time piece defined by cutpoints.


lambda <- prop_to_haz(0.15, endtime = 36) # 15% probability at 36-months
all.equal(pexp(36, lambda), 0.15)

# 15% probability at 12-months, and 30% at 24-months
prop_to_haz(c(0.15, 0.30), c(0, 12), 24)
PWEALL::pwe(12, prop_to_haz(c(0.15, 0.30), c(0, 12), 24), c(0, 12))$dist
PWEALL::pwe(24, prop_to_haz(c(0.15, 0.30), c(0, 12), 24), c(0, 12))$dist

Impute piecewise exponential time-to-event outcomes


Imputation of time-to-event outcomes using the piecewise constant hazard exponential function conditional on observed exposure.


pwe_impute(time, hazard, cutpoints = 0, maxtime = NULL)



vector. The observed time for patient that have had no event or passed maxtime.


vector. The constant hazard rates for exponential failures.


vector. The change-point vector indicating time when the hazard rates change. Note the first element of cutpoints should always be 0.


scalar. Maximum time before end of study.


If a subject is event-free at time s<ts < t, then the conditional probability FTs(ts)=P[TT>s]=(F(t)F(s))/(1F(s))F_{T \| s}|(t \| s) = P[T \le \| T > s] = (F(t) - F(s)) / (1 - F(s)), where F()F(\cdot) is the cumulative distribution function of the piecewise exponential (PWE) distribution. Equivalently, F(t)=1S(t)F(t) = 1 - S(t), where S(t) is the survival function. If UUnif(0,1)U \sim Unif(0, 1), then we can generate an event time (conditional on being event free up until ss) as F1(U(1F(s))+F(s))F^{-1}(U(1-F(s)) + F(s)). Note: if s=0s = 0, then this is the equivalent of a direct (unconditional) sample from the PWE distribution.


A data frame with simulated follow-up times (time) and respective event indicator (event, 1 = event occurred, 0 = censoring).


pwe_impute(time = c(3, 4, 5), hazard = c(0.002, 0.01), cutpoints = c(0, 12))
pwe_impute(time = c(3, 4, 5), hazard = c(0.002, 0.01), cutpoints = c(0, 12),
           maxtime = 36)
pwe_impute(time = 19.621870008, hazard = c(2.585924e-02, 3.685254e-09),
           cutpoints = c(0, 12), maxtime = 36)

Simulate piecewise exponential time-to-event outcomes


Simulate time-to-event outcomes using the piecewise constant hazard exponential function.


pwe_sim(n = 1, hazard = 1, cutpoints = 0, maxtime = NULL)



integer. The number of random samples to generate. Default is n=1.


vector. The constant hazard rates for exponential failures.


vector. The change-point vector indicating time when the hazard rates change. Note the first element of cutpoints should always be 0.


scalar. Maximum time before end of study.


See pwe_impute for details.


A data frame with simulated follow-up times (time) and respective event indicator (event, 1 = event occurred, 0 = censoring).


pwe_sim(10, hazard = c(0.005, 0.001), cutpoints = c(0, 3), maxtime = 36)
y <- pwe_sim(n = 1, hazard = c(2.585924e-02, 3.685254e-09),
             cutpoints = c(0, 12))

Randomization allocation


Implements a randomization allocation for control and treatment arms with different randomization ratios and block sizes.


randomization(N_total, block = 2, allocation = c(1, 1))



integer. Total sample size for randomization allocation.


vector. Block size for randomization. Note that it needs to be a multiple of the sum of allocation.


vector. The randomization allocation in the order c(control, treatment).


Complete randomization may not always be ideal due to the chance of drawing a large block of a single treatment arm, potentially impacting the time to enrollment completion. Therefore, a block randomization allocation may be preferable. The block randomization allocation specification allows for different randomization ratios, but they must be given in integer form. Additionally, the block size should be an integer that is divisible by the sum of the randomization allocation; see the examples.


The randomization allocation with 0, 1 for control and treatment, respectively.


# Implementing treatment allocation for control to treatment with 1:1.5
# randomization ratio
randomization(N_total = 100, block = 5, allocation = c(2, 3))

# Treatment allocation with 2:1 for control to treatment
randomization(N_total = 70, block = 9, allocation = c(2, 1))

# Treatment allocation for control to treatment with 1:2 for control
# to treatment with multiple block sizes c(3, 9, 6)
randomization(N_total = 100, block = c(3, 9, 6), allocation = c(1, 2))

# For complete randomization set the N_total to block size
randomization(N_total = 100, block = 100, allocation = c(1, 1))

Simulate a complete clinical trial with event data drawn from a piecewise exponential distribution


Simulate a complete clinical trial with event data drawn from a piecewise exponential distribution


  hazard_control = NULL,
  cutpoints = 0,
  lambda = 0.3,
  lambda_time = 0,
  block = 2,
  rand_ratio = c(1, 1),
  prop_loss = 0



vector. Constant hazard rates under the treatment arm.


vector. Constant hazard rates under the control arm.


vector. Times at which the baseline hazard changes. Default is cutpoints = 0, which corresponds to a simple (non-piecewise) exponential model.


integer. Maximum sample size allowable


vector. Enrollment rates across simulated enrollment times. See enrollment for more details.


vector. Enrollment time(s) at which the enrollment rates change. Must be same length as lambda. See enrollment for more details.


scalar. Length of the study; i.e. time at which endpoint will be evaluated.


scalar. Block size for generating the randomization schedule.


vector. Randomization allocation for the ratio of control to treatment. Integer values mapping the size of the block. See randomization for more details.


scalar. Overall proportion of subjects lost to follow-up. Defaults to zero.


A data frame with 1 row per subject and columns:


numeric. Time of event or censoring time.


integer. Treatment arm with values 1L for experimental arm, and 0L for control arm (only if hazard_control is given).


integer. Indicator of whether event occurred (=1L if occurred and =0L if right-censored).


numeric. Time of patient enrollment relative to time trial enrolled first patient.


integer. Identification number for each patient.


logical. Indicator of whether the patient was lost to follow-up during the course of observation.

Simulate one or more clinical trials subject to known design parameters and treatment effect


Simulate multiple clinical trials with fixed input parameters, and tidily extract the relevant data to generate operating characteristics.


  hazard_control = NULL,
  cutpoints = 0,
  lambda = 0.3,
  lambda_time = 0,
  interim_look = NULL,
  prior = c(0.1, 0.1),
  block = 2,
  rand_ratio = c(1, 1),
  prop_loss = 0,
  alternative = "two.sided",
  h0 = 0,
  Fn = 0.1,
  Sn = 0.9,
  prob_ha = 0.95,
  N_impute = 10,
  N_mcmc = 10,
  N_trials = 10,
  method = "logrank",
  imputed_final = FALSE,
  ncores = 1L



vector. Constant hazard rates under the treatment arm.


vector. Constant hazard rates under the control arm.


vector. Times at which the baseline hazard changes. Default is cutpoints = 0, which corresponds to a simple (non-piecewise) exponential model.


integer. Maximum sample size allowable


vector. Enrollment rates across simulated enrollment times. See enrollment for more details.


vector. Enrollment time(s) at which the enrollment rates change. Must be same length as lambda. See enrollment for more details.


vector. Sample size for each interim look. Note: the maximum sample size should not be included.


scalar. Length of the study; i.e. time at which endpoint will be evaluated.


vector. The prior distributions for the piecewise hazard rate parameters are each Gamma(a0,b0)Gamma(a_0, b_0), with specified (known) hyper-parameters a0a_0 and b0b_0. The default non-informative prior distribution used is Gamma(0.1, 0.1), which is specified by setting prior = c(0.1, 0.1).


scalar. Block size for generating the randomization schedule.


vector. Randomization allocation for the ratio of control to treatment. Integer values mapping the size of the block. See randomization for more details.


scalar. Overall proportion of subjects lost to follow-up. Defaults to zero.


character. The string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "greater" (default), "less" or "two.sided".


scalar. Null hypothesis value of ptreatmentpcontrolp_\textrm{treatment} - p_\textrm{control} when method = "bayes". Default is h0 = 0. The argument is ignored when method = "logrank" or = "cox"; in those cases the usual test of non-equal hazards is assumed.


vector of [0, 1] values. Each element is the probability threshold to stop at the ii-th look early for futility. If there are no interim looks (i.e. interim_look = NULL), then Fn is not used in the simulations or analysis. The length of Fn should be the same as interim_look, else the values are recycled.


vector of [0, 1] values. Each element is the probability threshold to stop at the ii-th look early for expected success. If there are no interim looks (i.e. interim_look = NULL), then Sn is not used in the simulations or analysis. The length of Sn should be the same as interim_look, else the values are recycled.


scalar [0, 1]. Probability threshold of alternative hypothesis.


integer. Number of imputations for Monte Carlo simulation of missing data.


integer. Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution when using a Bayesian test (method = "bayes").


integer. Number of trials to simulate.


character. For an imputed data set (or the final data set after follow-up is complete), whether the analysis should be a log-rank (method = "logrank") test, Cox proportional hazards regression model Wald test (method = "cox"), a fully-Bayesian analysis (method = "bayes"), or a chi-square test (method = "chisq"). See Details section.


logical. Should the final analysis (after all subjects have been followed-up to the study end) be based on imputed outcomes for subjects who were LTFU (i.e. right-censored with time <end_of_study)? Default is TRUE. Setting to FALSE means that the final analysis would incorporate right-censoring.


integer. Number of cores to use for parallel processing.


This is basically a wrapper function for survival_adapt, whereby we repeatedly run the function for a independent number of trials (all with the same input design parameters and treatment effect).

To use will multiple cores (where available), the argument ncores can be increased from the default of 1. Note: on Windows machines, it is not possible to use the mclapply function with ncores >1>1.


Data frame with 1 row per simulated trial and columns for key summary statistics. See survival_adapt for details of what is returned in each row.


hc <- prop_to_haz(c(0.20, 0.30), c(0, 12), 36)
ht <- prop_to_haz(c(0.05, 0.15), c(0, 12), 36)

out <- sim_trials(
  hazard_treatment = ht,
  hazard_control = hc,
  cutpoints = c(0, 12),
  N_total = 600,
  lambda = 20,
  lambda_time = 0,
  interim_look = c(400, 500),
  end_of_study = 36,
  prior = c(0.1, 0.1),
  block = 2,
  rand_ratio = c(1, 1),
  prop_loss = 0.30,
  alternative = "two.sided",
  h0 = 0,
  Fn = 0.05,
  Sn = 0.9,
  prob_ha = 0.975,
  N_impute = 5,
  N_mcmc = 5,
  method = "logrank",
  N_trials = 2,
  ncores = 1)

Summarize simulations to get operating characteristics


Summarize simulations to get operating characteristics





list (of data frames) or a single data frame. If summarizing a single run of simulations, data will be a data.frame object returned from survival_adapt. If summarizing multiple simulation scenarios, data will be a list object, with each element being a data.frame object.


Data frame reporting the operating characteristics, including the power (which will be equal to the type I error in the null case); the proportion of trials that stopped for early expected success, futility, or went to the maximum sample size. The average stopping sample size (and standard deviation) are also recorded. The proportion of trials that stopped early for expected success, yet went to ultimately fail are also reported.

Simulate and execute a single adaptive clinical trial design with a time-to-event endpoint


Simulate and execute a single adaptive clinical trial design with a time-to-event endpoint


  hazard_control = NULL,
  cutpoints = 0,
  lambda = 0.3,
  lambda_time = 0,
  interim_look = NULL,
  prior = c(0.1, 0.1),
  block = 2,
  rand_ratio = c(1, 1),
  prop_loss = 0,
  alternative = "greater",
  h0 = 0,
  Fn = 0.05,
  Sn = 0.9,
  prob_ha = 0.95,
  N_impute = 10,
  N_mcmc = 10,
  method = "logrank",
  imputed_final = FALSE



vector. Constant hazard rates under the treatment arm.


vector. Constant hazard rates under the control arm.


vector. Times at which the baseline hazard changes. Default is cutpoints = 0, which corresponds to a simple (non-piecewise) exponential model.


integer. Maximum sample size allowable


vector. Enrollment rates across simulated enrollment times. See enrollment for more details.


vector. Enrollment time(s) at which the enrollment rates change. Must be same length as lambda. See enrollment for more details.


vector. Sample size for each interim look. Note: the maximum sample size should not be included.


scalar. Length of the study; i.e. time at which endpoint will be evaluated.


vector. The prior distributions for the piecewise hazard rate parameters are each Gamma(a0,b0)Gamma(a_0, b_0), with specified (known) hyper-parameters a0a_0 and b0b_0. The default non-informative prior distribution used is Gamma(0.1, 0.1), which is specified by setting prior = c(0.1, 0.1).


scalar. Block size for generating the randomization schedule.


vector. Randomization allocation for the ratio of control to treatment. Integer values mapping the size of the block. See randomization for more details.


scalar. Overall proportion of subjects lost to follow-up. Defaults to zero.


character. The string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "greater" (default), "less" or "two.sided".


scalar. Null hypothesis value of ptreatmentpcontrolp_\textrm{treatment} - p_\textrm{control} when method = "bayes". Default is h0 = 0. The argument is ignored when method = "logrank" or = "cox"; in those cases the usual test of non-equal hazards is assumed.


vector of [0, 1] values. Each element is the probability threshold to stop at the ii-th look early for futility. If there are no interim looks (i.e. interim_look = NULL), then Fn is not used in the simulations or analysis. The length of Fn should be the same as interim_look, else the values are recycled.


vector of [0, 1] values. Each element is the probability threshold to stop at the ii-th look early for expected success. If there are no interim looks (i.e. interim_look = NULL), then Sn is not used in the simulations or analysis. The length of Sn should be the same as interim_look, else the values are recycled.


scalar [0, 1]. Probability threshold of alternative hypothesis.


integer. Number of imputations for Monte Carlo simulation of missing data.


integer. Number of samples to draw from the posterior distribution when using a Bayesian test (method = "bayes").


character. For an imputed data set (or the final data set after follow-up is complete), whether the analysis should be a log-rank (method = "logrank") test, Cox proportional hazards regression model Wald test (method = "cox"), a fully-Bayesian analysis (method = "bayes"), or a chi-square test (method = "chisq"). See Details section.


logical. Should the final analysis (after all subjects have been followed-up to the study end) be based on imputed outcomes for subjects who were LTFU (i.e. right-censored with time <end_of_study)? Default is TRUE. Setting to FALSE means that the final analysis would incorporate right-censoring.


Implements the Goldilocks design method described in Broglio et al. (2014). At each interim analysis, two probabilities are computed:

  1. The posterior predictive probability of eventual success. This is calculated as the proportion of imputed datasets at the current sample size that would go on to be success at the specified threshold. At each interim analysis it is compared to the corresponding element of Sn, and if it exceeds the threshold, accrual/enrollment is suspended and the outstanding follow-up allowed to complete before conducting the pre-specified final analysis.

  2. The posterior predictive probability of final success. This is calculated as the proportion of imputed datasets at the maximum threshold that would go on to be successful. Similar to above, it is compared to the corresponding element of Fn, and if it is less than the threshold, accrual/enrollment is suspended and the trial terminated. Typically this would be a binding decision. If it is not a binding decision, then one should also explore the simulations with Fn = 0.

Hence, at each interim analysis look, 3 decisions are allowed:

  1. Stop for expected success

  2. Stop for futility

  3. Continue to enroll new subjects, or if at maximum sample size, proceed to final analysis.

At each interim (and final) analysis methods as:

  • Log-rank test (method = "logrank"). Each (imputed) dataset with both treatment and control arms can be compared using a standard log-rank test. The output is a P-value, and there is no treatment effect reported. The function returns 1P1 - P, which is reported in post_prob_ha. Whilst not a posterior probability, it can be contrasted in the same manner. For example, if the success threshold is P<0.05P < 0.05, then one requires post_prob_ha >0.95> 0.95. The reason for this is to enable simple switching between Bayesian and frequentist paradigms for analysis.

  • Cox proportional hazards regression Wald test (method = "cox"). Similar to the log-rank test, a P-value is calculated based on a two-sided test. However, for consistency, 1P1 - P, which is reported in post_prob_ha. Whilst not a posterior probability, it can be contrasted in the same manner. For example, if the success threshold is P<0.05P < 0.05, then one requires post_prob_ha >0.95> 0.95.

  • Bayesian absolute difference (method = "bayes"). Each imputed dataset is used to update the conjugate Gamma prior (defined by prior), yielding a posterior distribution for the piecewise exponential rate parameters. In turn, the posterior distribution of the cumulative incidence function (1S(t)1 - S(t), where S(t)S(t) is the survival function) evaluated at time end_of_study is calculated. If a single arm study, then this summarizes the treatment effect, else, if a two-armed study, the independent posteriors are used to estimate the posterior distribution of the difference. A posterior probability is calculated according to the specification of the test type (alternative) and the value of the null hypothesis (h0).

  • Chi-square test (method = "chisq"). Each (imputed) dataset with both treatment and control arms can be compared using a standard chi-square test on the final event status, which discards the event time information. The output is a P-value, and there is no treatment effect reported. The function returns 1P1 - P, which is reported in post_prob_ha. Whilst not a posterior probability, it can be contrasted in the same manner. For example, if the success threshold is P<0.05P < 0.05, then one requires post_prob_ha >0.95> 0.95. The reason for this is to enable simple switching between Bayesian and frequentist paradigms for analysis.

  • Imputed final analysis (imputed_final). The overall final analysis conducted after accrual is suspended and follow-up is complete can be analyzed on imputed datasets (default) or on the non-imputed dataset. Since the imputations/predictions used during the interim analyses assume all subjects are imputed (since loss to follow-up is not yet known), it would seem most appropriate to conduct the trial in the same manner, especially if loss to follow-up rates are appreciable. Note, this only applies to subjects who are right-censored due to loss to follow-up, which we assume is a non-informative process. This can be used with any method.


A data frame containing some input parameters (arguments) as well as statistics from the analysis, including:


integer. The number of patients enrolled in the treatment arm for each simulation.


integer. The number of patients enrolled in the control arm for each simulation.


scalar. The treatment effect that was estimated at the time of the interim analysis. Note this is not actually used in the final analysis.


scalar. The treatment effect that was estimated at the final analysis. Final analysis occurs when either the maximum sample size is reached and follow-up complete, or the interim analysis triggered an early stopping of enrollment/accrual and follow-up for those subjects is complete.


scalar. The corresponding posterior probability from the final analysis. If imputed_final is true, this is calculated as the posterior probability of efficacy (or equivalent, depending on how alternative: and h0 were specified) for each imputed final analysis dataset, and then averaged over the N_impute imputations. If method = "logrank", post_prob_ha is calculated in the same fashion, but value represents 1P1 - P, where PP denotes the frequentist PP-value.


integer. A logical indicator of whether the trial was stopped early for futility.


integer. A logical indicator of whether the trial was stopped early for expected success.


Broglio KR, Connor JT, Berry SM. Not too big, not too small: a Goldilocks approach to sample size selection. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2014; 24(3): 685–705.


# RCT with exponential hazard (no piecewise breaks)
# Note: the number of imputations is small to enable this example to run
#       quickly on CRAN tests. In practice, much larger values are needed.
 hazard_treatment = -log(0.85) / 36,
 hazard_control = -log(0.7) / 36,
 cutpoints = 0,
 N_total = 600,
 lambda = 20,
 lambda_time = 0,
 interim_look = 400,
 end_of_study = 36,
 prior = c(0.1, 0.1),
 block = 2,
 rand_ratio = c(1, 1),
 prop_loss = 0.30,
 alternative = "less",
 h0 = 0,
 Fn = 0.05,
 Sn = 0.9,
 prob_ha = 0.975,
 N_impute = 10,
 N_mcmc = 10,
 method = "bayes")