The purpose of this vignette is to introduce the
function. bdpsurvival
is used for
estimating posterior samples in the context of right-censored data for
clinical trials where an informative prior is used. The underlying model
is a piecewise exponential model that assumes a constant hazard rate for
each of several sub-intervals of the time to follow-up. In the parlance
of clinical trials, the informative prior is derived from historical
data. The weight given to the historical data is determined using what
we refer to as a discount function. There are three steps in carrying
out estimation:
Estimation of the historical data weight, denoted α̂, via the discount function
Estimation of the posterior distribution of the current data, conditional on the historical data weighted by α̂
If a two-arm clinical trial, estimation of the posterior treatment effect, i.e., treatment versus control
Throughout this vignette, we use the terms current
, treatment
, and
. These terms are used because the model was
envisioned in the context of clinical trials where historical data may
be present. Because of this terminology, there are 4 potential sources
of data:
Current treatment data: treatment data from a current study
Current control data: control (or other treatment) data from a current study
Historical treatment data: treatment data from a previous study
Historical control data: control (or other treatment) data from a previous study
If only treatment data is input, the function considers the analysis a one-arm trial. If treatment data + control data is input, then it is considered a two-arm trial.
Before we get into our estimation scheme, we will briefly describe the piecewise exponential model. First, we partition the time duration into J intervals with cutpoints (or breaks) 0 = τ0 < τ1 < … < τJ = ∞. The jth interval is defined as [τj − 1, τj). Then, we let λj denote the hazard rate of the jth interval. That is, we assume that the hazard rate is piecewise constant.
Now, let dij be an event indicator for the ith subject in the jth interval. That is, dij = 1 if the endpoint occurred in the jth interval, otherwise dij = 0. Let tij denote the exposure time of the ith subject in the jth interval.
Let Dj = ∑idij be the number of episodes that occurred in interval j, and let Tj = ∑itij be the total exposure time within interval j. Then, the jth hazard rate is estimated as λj ∣ Dj, ∼ 𝒢amma(a0 + Dj, b0 + Tj), where a0 and b0 are the prior shape and rate parameters of a gamma distribution. The survival probability can be estimated as pS = 1 − Fp(q, λ1, …, λJ, τ0, … τJ), where Fp is the piecewise exponential cumulative distribution function.
In the case where a covariate effect is present, a slightly different
approach is used. In the bdpsurvival
function, a covariate
effect arises in the context of a two-arm trial where the covariate of
interest is the treatment indicator, i.e., treatment vs. control. In
that case, we assume a Poisson glm model of the form log 𝔼(dij ∣ λj, β) = log tij + log λj + βI(treatmenti), i = 1, …, N, j = 1, …, J,
where I(treatmenti)
is a treatment indicator for the ith subject. In this context, β is the log hazard rate between the treatment and
control arms. With the Poisson glm, we use an approximation to estimate
β conditional on each λj. Suppose we
estimate hazard rates for the treatment and controls arms independently,
denoted λjT and
respectively. That is λjT ∼ 𝒢amma(a0 + DjT, b0 + TjT)
and λjC ∼ 𝒢amma(a0 + DjC, b0 + TjC),
where DjT and
denote the number of events occurring in interval j for the treatment and control
arms, respectively, and TjT and
denote the total exposures times in interval j for the treatment and control
arms, respectively. Then, an approximation of the log-hazard rate β is carried out as follows:
In the first estimation step, the historical data weight α̂ is estimated. In the case of a two-arm trial, where both treatment and control data are available, an α̂ value is estimated separately for each of the treatment and control arms. Of course, historical treatment or historical control data must be present, otherwise α̂ is not estimated for the corresponding arm.
When historical data are available, estimation of α̂ is carried out as follows. Let dij and tij denote the the event indicator and event time or censoring time for the ith subject in the jth interval of the current data, respectively. Similarly, let d0ij and t0ij denote the the event indicator and event time or censoring time for the ith subject in the jth interval of the historical data, respectively. Let a0 and b0 denote the shape and rate parameters of a gamma distribution, respectively. Then, the posterior distributions of the jth piecewise hazard rates for current and historical data, under vague (flat) priors are
λj ∼ 𝒢amma(a0 + Dj, b0 + Tj),
λ0j ∼ 𝒢amma(a0 + D0j, b0 + T0j) respectively, where Dj = ∑idij, Tj = ∑itij, D0j = ∑id0ij, and Tj0 = ∑it0ij. The next steps are dependent on whether a one-arm or two-arm analysis is requested.
Under a one-arm analysis, the comparison of interest is the survival probability at user-specified time t*. Let θ̃ = 1 − Fp(t*, λ1, …, λJ, τ0, … τJ), and θ0 = 1 − Fp(t*, λ01, …, λ0J, τ0, … τJ), be the posterior survival probabilities for the current and historical data, respectively. Then, we compute the posterior probability that the current survival is greater than the historical survival p = Pr(θ̃ ≠ θ0 ∣ D, T, D0, T0), where D and T collect D1, …, DJ and T1, …, TJ, respectively.
Under a two-arm analysis, the comparison of interest is the hazard ratio of current vs. historical data. We estimate the log hazard ratio β as described previously and compute the posterior probability that β ≠ 0 as p = Pr(β ≠ 0 ∣ D, T, D0, T0).
Finally, for a discount function, denoted W, α̂ is computed as α̂ = αmax ⋅ W(p, w), 0 ≤ p ≤ 1, where w may be one or more parameters associated with the discount function and αmax scales the weight α̂ by a user-input maximum value. More details on the discount functions are given in the discount function section below.
There are several model inputs at this first stage. First, the user
can select fix_alpha=TRUE
and force a fixed value of α̂ (at the alpha_max
input), as opposed to estimation via the discount function. Next, a
Monte Carlo estimation approach is used, requiring several samples from
the posterior distributions. Thus, the user can input a sample size
greater than or less than the default value of
. Next, the Beta rate parameters can be
changed from the defaults of a0 = b0 = 1
and b0
An alternate Monte Carlo-based estimation scheme of α̂ has been implemented, controlled
by the function input method="mc"
. Here, instead of
treating α̂ as a fixed
quantity, α̂ is treated as
random. For a one-arm analysis, let p1 denote the posterior
probability. Then, p1 is computed as
where Φ(x) is the
xth quantile of a standard
normal (i.e., the pnorm
R function). Here, v12 and v012 are
estimates of the variances of θ̃ and θ0, respectively. Next,
p1 is used to
construct α̂ via the discount
function. Since the values Z1 and p1 are computed at each
iteration of the Monte Carlo estimation scheme, α̂ is computed at each iteration of
the Monte Carlo estimation scheme, resulting in a distribution of α̂ values.
For a two-arm analysis, let p2 denote the posterior probability. Then, p2 is computed as
There are currently three discount functions implemented throughout
the bayesDP
package. The discount function is specified
using the discount_function
input with the following
choices available:
(default): Identity.
: Weibull cumulative distribution function
: Scaled Weibull CDF;
First, the identity discount function (default) sets the discount weight α̂ = p.
Second, the Weibull CDF has two user-specified parameters associated
with it, the shape and scale. The default shape is 3 and the default
scale is 0.135, each of which are controlled by the function inputs
and weibull_scale
, respectively.
The form of the Weibull CDF is W(x) = 1 − exp {−(x/wscale)wshape}.
The third discount function option is the Scaled Weibull CDF. The
Scaled Weibull CDF is the Weibull CDF divided by the value of the
Weibull CDF evaluated at 1, i.e., W*(x) = W(x)/W(1).
Similar to the Weibull CDF, the Scaled Weibull CDF has two
user-specified parameters associated with it, the shape and scale, again
controlled by the function inputs weibull_shape
, respectively.
Using the default shape and scale inputs, each of the discount
functions are shown below.
In each of the above plots, the x-axis is the stochastic comparison between current and historical data, which we’ve denoted p. The y-axis is the discount value α̂ that corresponds to a given value of p.
An advanced input for the plot function is print
. The
default value is print = TRUE
, which simply returns the
graphics. Alternately, users can specify print = FALSE
which returns a ggplot2
object. Below is an example using
the discount function plot:
The posterior distribution is dependent on the analysis type: one-arm or two-arm analysis.
With α̂ in hand, we can now
estimate the posterior distributions of the hazards so that we can
estimate the survival probability as described previously. Using the
notation of the previous sections, the posterior distribution is number_mcmc
simulations from the augmented posterior distribution and we then
generate posterior summaries.
Again, under a two-arm analysis, and with α̂ in hand, we can now estimate the
posterior distribution of the log hazard rate comparing treatment and
control. Let λjT and
denote the hazard associated with the treatment and control data for the
jth interval, respectively.
Then we augment each of the treatment and control data by the weighted
historical data as number_mcmc
simulations from the augmented posterior
distribution and we then generate posterior summaries.
Data for bdpsurvival
is input via data frame(s) that
must have certain columns. Though bdpsurvival
analyses with no historical data, other packages/functions should be
To carry out an analysis using historical data, two data frames need
to be constructed: (1) current data, input via data
; and
(2) historical data, input via data0
. The analysis type,
i.e., one-arm vs. two-arm, is controlled via the right-hand-side (RHS)
of the formula input.
Suppose we have data frames with matching column names. The survival
times are stored in the time
column while the event
indicator is stored in the status
column. Then, the formula
input Surv(time, status) ~ 1
specifies a one-arm treatment.
As long as the term treatment
does not appear on the RHS of
the formula, the analysis will be one-arm.
Now, suppose we desire a two-arm analysis. Then, the current and
historical data frames must contain a column named exactly
. The treatment column should be binary and
indicates treatment and control observations. Now, the formula input
Surv(time, status) ~ treatment
specifies a two-arm
To demonstrate a one-arm trial, we will simulate a small survival dataset from an exponential distribution. For ease of exposition, we will assume that there are no censored observations.
# Simulate survival times for current and historical data
surv_1arm <- data.frame(status = 1,
time = rexp(10, rate=1/10))
# Simulate survival times for historical data
surv_1arm0 <- data.frame(status = 1,
time = rexp(50, rate=1/11))
In this example, we’ve simulated current survival times from an
exponential distribution with rate 1/10
and historical
survival times from an exponential distribution with rate
; status = 1
for all observations,
implying no times are censored. With our data frame constructed, we can
now fit the bdpsurvival
model. Since this is a one-arm
trial, we will request the survival probability at
. Thus, estimation using the default model
inputs is carried out:
fit1 <- bdpsurvival(Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
data = surv_1arm,
data0 = surv_1arm0,
surv_time = 5,
method = "fixed")
## One-armed bdp survival
## n events surv_time median lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
## 10 10 5 0.5259 0.3179 0.7355
The print
method displays the median survival
probability of 0.5259
and the 95% lower and upper interval
limits of 0.3179
and 0.7355
, respectively. The
method is implemented as well. For a one-arm trial,
the summary outputs a survival table for the current data as
## One-armed bdp survival
## Stochastic comparison (p_hat) - treatment (current vs. historical data): 0.188
## Discount function value (alpha) - treatment: 0.188
## Current treatment - augmented posterior summary:
## time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
## 0.3819 23 1 0.9688 0.0149 0.9323 0.9894
## 1.9834 22 1 0.8483 0.0656 0.6948 0.9464
## 2.8349 21 1 0.7905 0.0860 0.5942 0.9243
## 3.1278 20 0 0.7715 0.0921 0.5631 0.9168
## 3.1398 13 1 0.7699 0.0919 0.5619 0.9143
## 4.1013 12 1 0.6294 0.0938 0.4360 0.8006
## 4.7318 11 1 0.5551 0.1037 0.3502 0.7543
## 5.0666 10 0 0.5189 0.1088 0.3096 0.7311
## 6.6090 6 1 0.4294 0.0992 0.2425 0.6301
## 7.1486 5 1 0.4016 0.0990 0.2194 0.6074
## 9.1584 4 0 0.3165 0.1016 0.1424 0.5365
## 11.9160 2 1 0.2230 0.0823 0.0933 0.4091
## 14.6363 1 1 0.1599 0.0759 0.0513 0.3425
In the above output, in addition to a survival table, we can see the
stochastic comparison between the current and historical data of
as well as the weight, alpha, of 0.188
applied to the historical data. Here, the weight applied to the
historical data is low since the stochastic comparison suggests that the
current and historical data are not similar.
Suppose that we would like to apply full weight to the historical
data. This can be accomplished by setting alpha_max=1
as follows:
fit1a <- bdpsurvival(Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
data = surv_1arm,
data0 = surv_1arm0,
surv_time = 5,
alpha_max = 1,
fix_alpha = TRUE,
method = "fixed")
## One-armed bdp survival
## n events surv_time median lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
## 10 10 5 0.6041 0.4762 0.72
Now, the median survival probability shifts upwards towards the historical data.
Many of the the values presented in the summary
methods are accessible from the fit object. For
instance, alpha
is found in
is located at
. The augmented survival
probability and CI are computed at run-time. The results can be
replicated as:
survival_time_posterior <- ppexp(5,
surv_augmented <- 1-median(survival_time_posterior)
CI95_augmented <- 1-quantile(survival_time_posterior, prob=c(0.975, 0.025))
Here, we first compute the piecewise exponential cumulative
distribution function using the ppexp
function. The
function requires the survival time, 5
here, the posterior draws of the piecewise hazards, and the cuts points
of the corresponding intervals.
Finally, we’ll explore the plot
The top plot displays three survival curves. The green curve is the
survival of the historical data, the red curve is the survival of the
current event rate, and the blue curve is the survival of the current
data augmented by historical data. Since we gave full weight to the
historical data, the augmented curve is “in-between” the current and
historical curves.
The bottom plot displays the discount function (solid curve) as well
as alpha
(horizontal dashed line) and p_hat
(vertical dashed line). In the present example, the discount function is
the identity.
On to two-arm trials. In this package, we define a two-arm trial as an analysis where a current and/or historical control arm is present. Suppose we have the same treatment data as in the one-arm example, but now we introduce control data. Again, we will assume that there is no censoring present in the control data:
# Simulate survival times for treatment data
time_current_trt <- rexp(10, rate=1/10)
time_historical_trt <- rexp(50, rate=1/11)
# Simulate survival times for control data
time_current_cntrl <- rexp(10, rate=1/12)
time_historical_cntrl <- rexp(50, rate=1/12)
# Combine simulated data into data frames
surv_2arm <- data.frame(treatment = c(rep(1,10),rep(0,10)),
time = c(time_current_trt, time_current_cntrl),
status = 1)
surv_2arm0 <- data.frame(treatment = c(rep(1,50),rep(0,50)),
time = c(time_historical_trt, time_historical_cntrl),
status = 1)
In this example, we’ve simulated current and historical control
survival times from exponential distributions with rate
. Note how the data frames have been constructed; we’ve
taken care to ensure that the current/historical and treatment/control
indicators line up properly. With our data frame constructed, we can now
fit the bdpsurvival
model. Before proceeding, it is worth
pointing out that the discount function is applied separately to the
treatment and control data. Now, let’s carry out the two-arm analysis
using default inputs:
fit2 <- bdpsurvival(Surv(time, status) ~ treatment,
data = surv_2arm,
data0 = surv_2arm0,
method = "fixed")
## Two-armed bdp survival
## data:
## Current treatment: n = 23, number of events = 10
## Current control: n = 24, number of events = 10
## Stochastic comparison (p_hat) - treatment (current vs. historical data): 0.1264
## Stochastic comparison (p_hat) - control (current vs. historical data): 0.0618
## Discount function value (alpha) - treatment: 0.1264
## Discount function value (alpha) - control: 0.0618
## coef exp(coef) se(coef) lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
## treatment -0.151 0.8599 0.4122 -0.9542 0.6606
The print
method of a two-arm analysis is largely
different than a one-arm analysis (with a two-arm analysis, the
method is identical to print
). First,
we see the stochastic comparisons reported for both the treatment and
control arms. As seen previously, the stochastic comparison between the
current and historical data for the treatment data is relatively small
at 0.1264
, giving a low historical data weight of
. Similarly, the stochastic comparison between the
current and historical data for the control data is relatively low at
, giving a low historical data weight of
. Finally, the presented coef
value (and
associated interval limits) is the log hazard ratio between the
augmented treatment data and the augmented control data computed as
log(treatment) - log(control)